HC Deb 04 December 1941 vol 376 c1261
75. Sir T. Moore

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, whether he will consider publishing lists for mural exhibition of traders who are convicted of food swindles on the public and keeping them up to date so that the names of such traders can be kept before the public after the war?

Major Lloyd George

I have considered my hon. and gallant Friend's suggestion, but, in view of the many objections to which it is open, it is not one which I am prepared to adopt.

Sir T. Moore

In view of the fact that the fines imposed in these cases are paid out of the profits already made, does not my right hon. and gallant Friend think that to hold these people up to contumely and obloquy will prevent the carrying on of these practices?

Major Lloyd George

There are objections which my hon. and gallant Friend will appreciate; for instance, there is the question of paper. Many thousands of these prosecutions take place every month, and some of the offences are of a minor infringement. It would not be fair to adopt this method in cases of minor offences.