HC Deb 03 December 1941 vol 376 cc1136-7
59. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether investigations have now been completed respecting the lemonade substitute, first brought to his attention on 15th July; whether he will state the actual value of the one-third ounce of powder for which the public was charged 9d.; and whether he is permitting this article to be sold again at this price?

Major Lloyd George

The manufacturer of the lemon substitute referred to by my hon. Friend has been granted a licence under the Food Substitutes (Control) Order. The conditions attaching to the licence include a maximum selling price of 4½d. per ⅓rd oz. packet: alternatively, 9d. per 1 oz. packet. The above prices were arrived at after making due allowance for materials, packaging and selling costs.

Mr. Sorensen

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that one-third of an ounce of this powder did not cost more than ½d. and that there was, therefore, a great gross profit made during the past year? Has he taken any action to prevent the exploitation of the public?

Major Lloyd George

The hon. Gentleman knows that until the Order was passed it was not possible to take any action. Action has now been taken on that Order, and only the prices which I have stated can be charged in the future.

Mr. Sorensen

Was it not rather a long time, from 15th July until now, before action was taken?

Major Lloyd George

The hon. Gentleman knows that a good many other commodities had to be considered and that this particular commodity caused some difficulty.

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