HC Deb 02 December 1941 vol 376 c995
36. Sir Granville Gibson

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department why, as his Department has specialised in the collection of facts about our export trade since its formation, it has been found necessary to employ an official from the Ministry of Information to collect facts about the problems of the United Kingdom export trade after the war; and what are the qualifications of the official appointed to undertake this work?

Mr. Harcourt Johnstone (Secretary, Overseas Trade Department)

The serious depletion of the headquarters staff of the Department of Overseas Trade, in order to assist other Government Departments, made it imperative that an addition should be made to the staff of the Department in order to concentrate upon the factual investigation of post-war export trade prospects. The post in question has been filled by an officer who was until recently Adviser on Overseas Planning, and previously Director of the Commercial Relations Division, in the Ministry of Information. His specialised experience in market research before the war, together with his experience of governmental procedure gained during the war, are such as to render him well fitted for the duties of his appointment.