HC Deb 07 August 1941 vol 373 cc2078-9
29. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Home Secretary whether he has considered a resolution from the board of directors of the Methil Co-operative Society, representing over 4,000 members, calling for the lifting of the ban upon the "Daily Worker"; and what reply has been sent to the board?

Mr. H. Morrison

I have received the resolution to which an acknowledgment has been sent.

Mr. Gallacher

I want to ask the Minister whether it is not the case that it is infantile stubbornness and pathetic political prejudice that are preventing the ban being lifted from the "Daily Worker"?

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member must not use that language in a Supplementary Question. He would not be allowed to put it on the Order Paper and the same rules apply to Supplementary Questions.

Mr. Kirkwood

Does not the Minister think that the time is now opportune for him to act in a generous fashion in this matter, and withdraw the ban upon the "Daily Worker," because the atmosphere is completely changed since the ban was imposed?

Mr. Speaker rose

Mr. Kirkwood

On a point of Order. I have put a question which is relevant to the original Question, and I desire an answer.

Mr. Speaker

I do not think hon. Members realise that there are 128 Questions on the Order Paper to-day.

Mr. Kirkwood

I attend here regularly, and this is the only Supplementary Question which I have put this week, and surely—[Laughter.] The hon. Member would not laugh is he were up against this. He makes the point when it suits him.

Mr. Gallacher

I wish to give notice that, in view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I shall raise this matter throughout the country during the Recess.