HC Deb 05 August 1941 vol 373 cc1771-2
20. Mr. Garro Jones

asked the Minister of Economic Warfare whether, having regard to recent events and to the policy foreshadowed by the Government in June last, he can now state what progress has been made for a trade agreement with Russia?

Mr. Dalton

In June last, His Majesty's Government were endeavouring to negotiate with the Soviet Union a War Trade Agreement designed to limit supplies of vital war materials reaching the enemy from and through Russia. Now that Russia is at war as our Ally such an Agreement is unnecessary. The Soviet Government have, however, furnished us with a list of their requirements which we are doing our best to supply. As my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary stated on Wednesday last, considerable quantities of goods are already on their way to Russia from various parts of the Empire, and from other countries supporting our cause and valuable supplies are being made available for His Majesty's Government by the Soviet Government.

Mr. G. Strauss

May we take it that we are doing everything we possibly can to supply to Russia the materials she needs?

Mr. Dalton

Yes, Sir.

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