HC Deb 24 April 1941 vol 371 cc253-4
43. Mr. Mander

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what action it is proposed to take with regard to an application for a licence to trade applied for by "Welldun Family Pies," Wellington, Salop; and whether he is aware of the serious allegations made against the local food controller in connection with the matter, and the great delay and expense in which the firm has become involved?

Major Lloyd George

The Wellington Urban Food Control Committee have refused to grant a licence to "Welldun Family Pies "to sell pies by retail in the area of that Committee and my Noble Friend sees no ground upon which he would be justified in reversing their decision. He is aware that serious allegations were made against the Local Food Executive Officer in connection with the subject matter of the appeal. The delay of dealing with the appeal was due to the impossibility of arriving at a conclusion until those allegations had been investigated.

Mr. Mander

What has been the result of the inquiry into the allegations?

Major Lloyd George

After taking all the advice we can, we do not think that the facts before us justify any further action being taken.

Mr. Mander

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that the local food controller, Mr. Simpson, said that the application could be granted provided that he was made a partner in this firm and paid 50s. a week, and is not that a matter which requires action and not merely consideration?

Major Lloyd George

It is equally possible that Mr. Simpson did not say that, and that is what the question under investigation was. After investigating both sides of the case, we have come to the conclusion that the facts do not justify proceedings.