HC Deb 22 April 1941 vol 371 c21
40. Viscountess Davidson

asked the Home Secretary whether he has considered the possibility of issuing a statement in the case of persons detained under Defence Regulation 18B and subsequently released, with a view to exonerating them from any stigma which may appear to attach to them as a result of their detention?

Mr. Peake

The fact that a person has been released from detention means, not that his detention was unwarranted, but that the Home Secretary has satisfied himself after full inquiries that he can be relied on not to abuse his freedom. In such circumstances, the fact that a person has been detained ought not to prejudice him in obtaining suitable employment. It is important that all available manpower should be fully utilized; and one of the considerations which weighs with the Home Secretary in many cases in deciding the question of release is the desire of the applicant to make a contribution to the national war effort.

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