HC Deb 03 April 1941 vol 370 cc1135-6
1. Mr. Martin

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is yet in a position to make a statement on the measures he contemplates for the rehabilitation in industry of men discharged by reason of wounds or sickness from the various services of the Crown and of Civil Defence?

The Minister of Labour (Mr. Ernest Bevin)

The facilities for vocational training provided by the Ministry's existing training schemes are open to all men who are fit to undergo the training, and it is hoped that considerable numbers of the men discharged in the circumstances indicated by the hon. Member will, after treatment, prove capable of this training. For those of them who require training but are not fit for the existing courses, special courses will be provided as required, either in the Ministry's own training centres or in other institutions or with employers. Details of these courses will be announced in due course.

Mr. Martin

Can the right hon. Gentleman tell the House what measures he pro- poses to take for the medical treatment of these people, what information will be at their disposal, and what method they are to pursue to obtain treatment?

Mr. Bevin

That matter has been the subject of consultation between us, and if my hon. Friend will address a Question to the Minister of Health, he will be in a position to give an answer.