HC Deb 05 September 1940 vol 365 cc6-7
12. Sir Richard Acland

asked the Home Secretary whether he has had the categories of enemy aliens to be released translated into German; and is there any form available in English and German on which applications for release can be made?

Sir J. Anderson

Experience shows that the internees have no difficulty in understanding the White Paper. The few who cannot read English, if not helped by other internees, can obtain help from the official interpreters and the liaison officers in the camps. The question of a form of application for release has been considered, but there would have to be so many different forms to fit the different classes of cases that this method would not be helpful to the internees.

Sir R. Acland

Would the right hon. Gentleman consider the case of wives and relatives of internees who are outside the camps and who also want to know these things; and does he realise that they write to Members of Parliament, who would be very much assisted if there was a translation sent to them?

Sir J. Anderson

I am prepared to consider any suggestion of that kind, but I should have thought that most of the people are already in touch with refugee organisations, which are very willing to give all assistance possible.

Miss Rathbone

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the need is felt so great that some of us have to issue our own printed form, and that many thousands have applied for them; and would it not be far better to have an official form?

Sir J. Anderson

I am sorry to hear that, but if the matter had been brought to my notice earlier, perhaps it could have been done.

Mr. Mander

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in some camps there are no copies of the White Paper available even in English for the internees, and will he look into that matter?

Sir J. Anderson

Yes, Sir; and perhaps my hon. Friend will send me particulars.

13. Sir R. Acland

asked the Home Secretary whether Franz H. Weinberger was given facilities for attending at the American consulate in time for him to leave the country on the boat on which passage had been booked and all arrangements made, at the beginning of this month?

Sir J. Anderson

I have ascertained that this boy has obtained his visa for the United States and that an exit permit has been granted, and he is now awaiting the sailing of his ship.