HC Deb 05 September 1940 vol 365 cc19-20
32. Mr. Frankel

asked the hon. Member for Dulwich as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, what arrangements have been made with respect to the staff of the Refreshment Department during the coming weeks, when the sittings of the House will be intermittent; how many of the staff, apart from the few who are on full pay all the year round, are being dismissed; how many are retained during Recesses on half-pay; whether those on half-pay are expected to hold themselves ready for service without any opportunity of taking other employment; whether there is any arrangements for holidays with pay; whether, in the existing exceptional circumstances, he will consider maintaining a nucleus on adequate wages; and how it is proposed to ensure an efficient staff on the days when the House meets during the customary Summer Recess?

Mr. Bracewell Smith

The Kitchen Committee found it necessary to rearrange the staff duties in view of the intermittent Sittings of the House, and this involved a reduction in the number of employés. 29 members of the staff were engaged for the Session only, and their employment came to an end on Thursday, 22nd August, but the Committee were assured by the Employment Exchange that there would be no difficulty in finding work for them. In addition to the nine permanent members of the staff, 24 were retained on full pay for two weeks, and afterwards on half pay, and 16 members were offered half pay for the whole of the Recess. All members of the staff are at liberty to take up other employment. Holidays with pay were given to all members of the permanent and retained staff, and the Kitchen Committee have arranged to maintain an efficient service, at adequate wages, on those days when the House meets.

Mr. Frankel

In view of the fact that many of the employés during intervals in the Sittings of the House are liable to be called on at short notice and are therefore unable to take other employment, is the hon. Gentleman satisfied that they are dealt with properly under this scheme?

Mr. Bracewell Smith

I wish to assure the hon. Member that the Kitchen Committee made its decision with a full knowledge of all the facts and in an endeavour to cause as little hardship as possible, and at the same time to show some regard to the Treasury.

Mr. Hicks

I understand from the hon. Gentleman's reply that some members of the staff are allowed to go on half pay. Do I understand that they can obtain other employment and still have the half-pay?

Mr. Bracewell Smith

They can take the half pay and take other employment as well.

Mr. McGovern

Was the decision of the Kitchen Committee unanimous?

Mr. Bracewell Smith

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Davidson

Are adequate measures taken to enable members of the staff to make representations to the Kitchen Committee?

Mr. Bracewell Smith

Yes, Sir, the Members of the Kitchen Committee prefer that members of the staff should make representations or complaints to the Committee.