HC Deb 05 September 1940 vol 365 c15
26. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Aircraft Production whether he has considered a detailed statement from the shop stewards' committee of Rootes Securities, Limited, reflecting seriously on the organisation of production in which the suggestion is made that an official inquiry should be made into the conditions prevailing in the factory; and what steps does he propose to take?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Aircraft Production (Colonel Llewellin)

Yes, Sir. I have myself read the statement referred to. On 17th and 21st June, the manager of the factory in question held long discussions with representatives of the workmen. I have read the accounts of these meetings and am satisfied that all the substantial points raised by the workmen which could be met were met. The output from this factory is satisfactory, and any further official inquiry unnecessary.

Mr. Gallacher

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman not aware that the shop stewards and workers in the factory are not satisfied that the output is what it could be or that the organisation of the factory is what it should be, and will not the Minister take steps to have an inquiry of some kind made so as to make absolutely certain whether the workers or the management are right?

Colonel Llewellin

We sent a representative of the Ministry to the factory, and the resident managing director came down to the Ministry. There is, it is true, some shortage in the supply of raw material, but an endeavour is being made to bring that up to date as quickly as possible.

Mr. Gallacher

Did you not have any workers down at the Ministry?