HC Deb 09 October 1940 vol 365 cc368-9
40. Mr. Craven-Ellis

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the total sum invested in National Savings Certificates for the 52 weeks ended 9th September, 1939; and the total of National Savings Certificates and Defence Bonds sold for the 52 weeks ended 7th September, 1940?

Captain Crookshank

Sales of National Savings Certificates during the 12 months ending 9th September, 1939, amounted to £22,800,000. During the 12 months ending 10th September, 1940, sales of National Savings Certificates amounted to £152,500,000 and sales of 3 per cent. Defence Bonds to £149,700,000, making a total of £302,200,000 invested in these two securities during the period.

Mr. Stokes

Is it not clear from the answer which has been given that some other means of financing the war will have to be considered?

Captain Crookshank

What is clear from the answer I have given is that there has been a most remarkable response on the part of small investors.

Mr. Stokes

But is the Financial Secretary not aware that it is entirely inadequate and that it is really swindling the public to continue in this way?

Mr. Craven-Ellis

How can the Financial Secretary make a statement such as he has just made when he has been unable to give me any figure of the national income?