HC Deb 06 November 1940 vol 365 c1317
14. Mr. Robert Gibson

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he will give an option to, and encourage, men recruited for training as wireless-observers or air-g[...]nners, but whose calling-up is delayed, to volunteer for service on the ground staff of the Royal Air Force during their period of waiting?

Captain Balfour

It is already the practice to inform attested candidates for training as pilot, air observer or wireless operator/air gunner, who cannot be accepted immediately for air crew training, that they may volunteer for employment on ground defence duties in the R.A.F. until such time as their training for air crew duties commences. The majority of candidates do in fact volunteer.

Mr. Gibson

If I give the Minister particulars of a case in which difficulties have been found, will he take action to facilitate the matter?

Captain Balfour

Certainly, Sir. I shall be glad to receive particulars of any case which the hon. and learned Gentleman wishes to bring to my notice.