HC Deb 30 May 1940 vol 361 cc628-9
6. Mr. John Morgan

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour whether he is aware that large numbers of road employés attached to rural district councils are now busily engaged on brushing cow-parsley and surplus grass from Class B roadside wastes while nearby acres of sugar-beet, root and other vital crops are in want of labour for hoeing and singling the plants; and whether he will issue regulations forthwith requiring such road labour to be transferred to the farms at comparable wages?

Mr. Assheton

My right hon. Friend the Minister of Transport has asked the County Councils Association to convey to county councils generally his view that wherever possible, arrangements should be made for the transfer of men from road works to agricultural work, and has drawn attention to the provisions of the Local Government Staff (War Service) Act, 1939, under which my right hon. Friend the Minister of Health is prepared to recognise agricultural work as war service for the purposes of the Act. I understand that the Executive Committee of the County Councils Association is drawing the attention of county councils to the need for making these arrangements. The whole question of securing an adequate supply of labour for agriculture is under consideration.

Mr. Morgan

Does the answer just given represent the present attitude of the Government to this question, and is the hon. Gentleman aware that if three weeks are allowed to pass it will be no good shifting these men off the roads in order to do the work, and that the work will remain undone? Is he aware that it is a question of now or not at all?

Mr. Assheton

I can assure the hon. Member that very few Ministers are moving faster than my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour.

Mr. Morgan

In this matter is any pressing action going to be taken by the Minister of Labour, and not the Minister of Transport?

Mr. Assheton

I do not think the hon. Member will have to wait very long.

Sir Percy Hurd

Will the same action be taken in the case of the 400 rural district councils?

Sir Henry Morris-Jones

May I ask my hon. Friend what immediate steps are being taken in this matter?

Mr. Assheton

My right hon. Friend is fully aware of this difficulty and is actively dealing with the matter, and I hope that some announcement will be made shortly. The question of rural district councils' employés will certainly be considered.