HC Deb 23 May 1940 vol 361 c304
46. Mr. Cary

asked the Prime Minister whether he will indicate to the House the steps which are being taken in this country to accelerate rapidly the production of aircraft, guns, tanks and other munitions?

Mr. Attlee

I would refer my hon. Friend to the statement which I made yesterday on the Second Reading of the Emergency Powers(Defence) Bill. My Noble Friend the Minister for Aircraft Production and my right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply have already given instructions to the firms concerned for full overtime and week-end working. The House will be aware of the appeal broadcast on Tuesday last by my Noble Friend, urging workers engaged on the production of aircraft and aircraft equipment to work day and night and also through the two forthcoming week-ends. Numerous other steps are being taken to accelerate programmes of production and I can assure my hon. Friend that all our energies will be directed to that end. Co-ordination will be effected by the Production Council under the chairmanship of my right hon. Friend the Minister without Portfolio, the establishment of which was announced yesterday. The House may be assured that the measures we have taken, with full and enthusiastic co-operation of all engaged in the industries, will result in a redoubled concentration of national effort to secure the maximum output of aircraft and munitions of all kinds.

Mr. Lipson

May I ask whether the measures which are being taken include the provision of adequate material for those engaged in munition production?

Mr. Attlee

My hon. Friend will realise that obviously one cannot get the production without the material.