HC Deb 23 May 1940 vol 361 cc280-1
5. Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour whether he has now made arrangements with the medical boards to avoid passing into His Majesty's Forces persons who are physically fit but of unsound mind?

Mr. Assheton

As my hon. Friend has been informed in reply to previous Questions, the instructions issued to medical boards, provide for inquiry to be made into a man's personal and family history of nervous and mental illness and for a specialist's opinion to be obtained in cases of doubt. The attention of medical boards has recently been drawn to the importance of their examination of this condition, and the possibility of taking further steps with a view to the identification of mentally unfit men is also being explored. The matter will no doubt receive consideration by the committee under the chairmanship of Lord Horder which has been appointed to advise on medical questions arising in connection with the examination of men by medical boards.

Mr. Davies

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that mental welfare associations operating under local authorities will have almost complete lists of these young men, and is it possible for the medical boards to work in co-operation with these associations?

Mr. Assheton

I hope very much that that can be done.