HC Deb 22 May 1940 vol 361 c141
34. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, whether he can now make some statement regarding the supply of straight-run feeding-stuffs throughout the country?

Mr. Boothby

My Noble Friend hopes to make an Order at an early date that will limit each manufacturer's production of compounds and mixed feeding-stuffs to a prescribed percentage of his pre-war production, and a further Order that will prohibit, except by special licence, the sale of any compound or mixed feeding-stuff other than those prescribed in the Order, for which maximum prices will be fixed.

Mr. De la Bère

Will my hon. Friend appreciate that the matter is very urgent and that his predecessor has done careful and valuable work, and perhaps he will follow up the valuable work that he was engaged upon?

Mr. Boothby

My hon. Friend may rest assured that I shall follow up any valuable work.