HC Deb 08 May 1940 vol 360 c1216
34. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Minister of Information whether he will arrange for the fuller world appreciation of the best British characteristics by the dissemination of facts concerning the development of our social services, the progress and benefits of democratic trade unionism, political associations and local government, and the preservation of religious, political and literary freedom, especially in comparison with totalitarian and other States where this does not prevail or has been substantially destroyed?

Sir J. Reith

Yes, Sir, this is being done by all available means and as fully as possible.

Mr. Sorensen

Are systematic attempts being made to broadcast those facts to totalitarian States, or to those who are likely to be influenced by the totalitarian States?

Sir J. Reith

Yes, that is so. I do not know whether the hon. Gentleman would care to see them, but I am willing to bring to the House a packet of the pamphlets dealing with such questions as he mentions, and also with recent broadcasts.

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