HC Deb 02 May 1940 vol 360 c882
34. Mr. Ralph Etherton

asked the Home Secretary what provisions exist for ensuring that persons of British nationality with pro-Nazi tendencies are interned in cases where that course is advisable in the national interest; and whether it is proposed, on the expiration of the short sentence which he recently received, to take any steps to intern, or otherwise restrict the activities of, Charles Max Sabritz, who has Nazi sympathies and, though born in England, has spent a large portion of his life in Germany, and whose father is German and now in Germany?

Sir J. Anderson

Defence Regulation 18b empowers me to order the internment of any person if I have reasonable cause to believe him to be of hostile origin or associations, or to have been recently concerned in acts prejudicial to the public safety or the defence of the realm, or in the preparation of instigation of such acts, and that by reason thereof it is necessary to exercise control over him. As regards the particular case mentioned, Sakritz was sentenced to a month's imprisonment on the 29th April last, and I propose to consider the question of making an order against him under Regulation 18b before the expiration of the sentence which he is at present serving.

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