HC Deb 20 March 1940 vol 358 c1998

Terms of Reference.—To consider and examine the possibility of increasing the amount of liquid products (tar, creosote, benzole, toluole, etc.) obtained by high-temperature carbonisation in gas-works and coke-ovens and the most advantageous means of utilising such products in war-time.



Mr. J. Davidson Pratt, O.B.E.


Mr. W. Gordon Adam.

Mr. S. Billborough.

Mr. G. A. Hebden.

Mr. A. H. Middleton.

Mr. Stanley Robinson.

Mr. A. W. Smith.

Mr. T. A. Smith.


Mr. J. F. Ronca, O.B.E.

Mr. J. G. King, Ph.D.

This committee has submitted an interim report on the recovery of benzole, and has also made a survey into the production and use of tar, creosote and pitch.