HC Deb 19 March 1940 vol 358 cc1809-12
69. Sir R. Blair

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether priority to obtain raw materials for processing into goods for export will be given by the controls to exporting merchants who are in a position to place orders to make up the raw materials with specific manufacturers who are known to be able, and will undertake, to render the goods ready for export more quickly than other manufacturers?

The President of the Board of Trade (Sir Andrew Duncan)

It is open to a merchant to place an order with any manufacturer who is prepared to accept it. If, for the purpose of executing the order, it is necessary to obtain a licence to acquire controlled raw materials, due weight will be given by the control concerned to the fact that an export order is involved.

70. Sir R. Blair

asked the President of the Board of Trade what arrangements the Export Council have for marshalling the overseas markets to enable them to make necessary readjustments of policy in Britain and export methods overseas, by which a permanent extension of British export trade may be secured?

Sir A. Duncan

The varying conditions between different trades make it essential to promote export trade industry by industry. As each export group is set up, the Export Council will discuss with the group the various markets, and the measures necessary to achieve the largest possible export trade in each industry.

71. Mr. Liddall

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that annual reports of the Overseas Trade Commissioners are published so late that information provided is stale; and whether, as impending reports will be upon conditions now inapplicable, he will inform the members of the Economic Council and the Export Council that it is essential for them to go overseas to obtain knowledge for advising traders how to extend British exports, now, on such a basis that the extended trade may be retained in post-war normal competitive conditions?

Sir A. Duncan

Owing to the rapidity with which conditions alter in war-time, the annual reports referred to have been discontinued. Fortnightly surveys as to the competitive position of United Kingdom exports are, however, obtained from overseas officers and are immediately placed at the disposal of the Export Council.

72. Mr. Shinwell

asked the President of the Board of Trade what progress has been made in setting up export groups in accordance with the policy set out in Command Paper No. 6183?

Sir A. Duncan

Export groups have already been set up in 19 industries. I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of these industries, showing the

Industry. Chairman. Secretary. Address.
Black Bolt and Nut Export Group. Major Dibben Mr. E. L. Heathcote 25, Bennetts Hill, Birmingham, 2.
Bright Bolt and Nut Manufacturers' Export Group. Major Dibben Mr. E. L. Heathcote 25, Bennetts Hill, Birmingham, 2.
British Metal Window Manufacturers' Export Group. Mr. W. Prescott Mr. A. L. Hunking 21, Tothill St., S.W.1.
Cutlery Export Group Mr. D. A. Palmer Mr. A. H. Plews Norris Deaking Bldg., King St., Sheffield.
Edge Tools Manufacturers' Export Group. Mr. W. H. Hunt Mr. N. Hodkinson Chamber of Commerce, Birmingham.
British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association. Electrical Machinery Export Committee. Mr. V. Watlington Mr. Seaman 36, Kingsway, W.C.2.
Compressed Air Machinery Export Group. Mr C. W. Crawshaw Mr. E. Lacy-Hulbert Boreas Works, Beddington, Croydon.
Internal Combustion Engine War Export Group. Sir Lynden Macassey, K.B.E. Mr. Herbert Cowper 32, Victoria St., S.W.1.
Sugar Machinery Export Group. Mr. D. Sharpe Messrs. Mann, Judd, Gordon & Co. 142, St. Vincent St., Glasgow.
Telephone and Telegraph Apparatus Export Group. Sir Alexander Roger Mr. T. F. Lee Connaught House, Aldwych, W.C.2.
Non-Ferrous Metals (Wrought) Export Group. Mr. R. Finch Messrs. Squiers & Co. 115, Colmore Row, Birmingham, 3.
The Cotton Board* Sir Percy Ashley, K.B.E., C.B. Mr. H. G. Hughes The Cotton Board, Blackfriars House, Parsonage, Manchester 3.
National Wool Industry Group. Mr. Herbert Hey Mr. D. G. Price c/o Bradford Chamber of Commerce, Commerce House, Bradford.
Wholesale Drapers and Hosiers Export Group. The Lord Hollenden Mr. W. T. Caves, F.C.I.S. 69, Cannon St., London, E.C.4.
Birmingham Jewellers and Silversmiths' Export Group. Lt.-Col. A. J. Round Mr. H. B. Southam 27, Frederick St., Birmingham 1.
Paint, Colour and Varnish Manufacturers' Export Group. Mr. J. A. Dew, J.P. Mr. J. B. Graham, M.C. Chew Court, Chew Magna, Near Bristol.
Pottery Industry Export Group. Mr. C. E. Bullock Mr. S. H. Dodd c/o British Pottery Manufacturers Federation, Federation House, Stoke-on-Trent.
Rubber Industry Export Group. Sir Walrond Sinclair, K.B.E. Mr. W. F. V. Cox c/o The Institution of the Rubber Industry, 12, Whitehall, London, S.W.1.
Toy and Fancy Goods Export Group. Mr. W. Lines Mr. B. G. Arthur, M.B.E. 69, Cannon St., E.C.4.
* It has been agreed that the functions which in other industries will be carried out by an Executive Committee of an Export Group, will be discharged by the Cotton Board.

officers and addresses of the Groups. I should add that the discussions leading to the setting up of groups are in an advanced stage with a considerable number of other industries; and that certain industries, before the publication of the White Paper, had already framed definite plans, in consultation with the Board of Trade, for the promotion of export trade.

Following is the list: