HC Deb 18 March 1940 vol 358 c1646
67. Mr. Benson

asked the Home Secretary (1) the number of sentences of birching inflicted upon juveniles in 1939;

(2) the number of convictions for robbery in 1939; and the number of cases in which corporal punishment was inflicted?

Sir J. Anderson

I regret that statistics are not yet available to enable me to give the full information for which the hon. Member asks. I will arrange to have the figures sent to the hon. Member as soon as they can be given.

Mr. Benson

Does that apply to the second Question?

Sir J. Anderson

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Benson

Has the right hon. Gentleman the actual number of floggings that took place?

Sir J. Anderson

I have not the figures at the moment, but I will let the hon. Member have them as soon as possible.