HC Deb 13 March 1940 vol 358 c1174
28. Mr. McGovern

asked the Secretary of State for Air the reason for refusing permission to the Press to disclose the full story of the rescue of Squadron-Leader Farquhar, at Berwick, when he brought down his third aeroplane; why the German airmen have not been allowed to receive public credit for this humane act; and whether he will see that in future brave as well as brutal acts of Germans are published?

Sir K. Wood

The details released to the Press on the occasion to which the hon. Member refers were limited only by security considerations.

Mr. McGovern

Can the right hon. Gentleman state why the fact that two German airmen rescued this British officer was not published, and why the "Daily Mail"on 23rd February, having published the story in its first edition, was compelled to delete it? Is it in the interests of the country that we should refuse to acknowledge brave acts that are performed by Germans? Surely there is nothing to be gained by the suppression of this humane act?

Sir K. Wood

Certainly not, on general grounds, but in this case a security question was involved.

Mr. McGovern

As the place, the types of machine, and everything connected with the incident were stated in the Press, what were the security reasons which prevented the story being told?

Sir K. Wood

I am not able to say, but as a matter of fact there were other considerations.

Mr. McGovern

It is a shocking thing and pure humbug.