HC Deb 13 March 1940 vol 358 c1196
63. Sir Patrick Hannon

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will make a statement on the present economic condition and future outlook of Mauritius?

Mr. M. MacDonald

Mauritius has been open to all the economic difficulties and dangers which beset a country dependent upon a single export crop, in the case of Mauritius, sugar. For the past two years the position has not been unsatisfactory, since the price of sugar has been fairly good, and the immediate future is secure since His Majesty's Government are buyers of all available supplies. Opportunity has been taken of these conditions to review the economic structure of the Colony with the object of broadening its basis. Certain steps to this end have already been taken, and assistance from the new Colonial Development and Welfare Scheme will be available for any further proposals which show promise of useful results. If the hon. Member requires detailed information on any particular point, I shall be happy to supply it.

Sir P. Hannon

Is there any recruitment for His Majesty's Defence Forces?

Mr. MacDonald

There is a certain amount of defence recruitment.

Mr. Paling

Does the answer of the right hon. Gentleman mean that the recruitment has already been started or is about to be started?

Mr. MacDonald

They are being encouraged, but I do not wish to exaggerate the position.

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