HC Deb 05 March 1940 vol 358 c214
62. Sir Joseph Leech

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he will, at short intervals, notify all Departments and Service units to be more sparing in the use of the telegraph and the telephone in respect of office or routine communications?

Captain Crookshank

There are standing instructions to Departments in time of war that the telegraph and telephone services should be used for communications only where it is clear that the postal service would not be speedy enough. I do not think that the re-issue of such instructions at short intervals would produce the best results, but I will keep the matter under review.

Mr. R. Gibson

Would the right hon. and gallant Gentleman say, with regard to his answer dealing with telephones, whether unlimited use of automatic telephones is not in the public interest at the present time?

Captain Crookshank

The point is that whether automatic telephones or any other kind are used it is not always necessary to use them for communications when the post is speedy enough.