HC Deb 13 June 1940 vol 361 c1377
47. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in connection with the proposed new recruiting drive for the Women's Land Army, adequate steps are being taken for a close co-ordination between the headquarters at Balcombe and his Department?

The Minister of Agriculture (Mr. R. S. Hudson)

Yes, Sir.

Mr. De la Bère

Will my right hon. Friend go into this matter very fully and consider all the relevant facts, as a great deal which has happened during the last few months wants careful inquiry and it might not be in the public interest for me to tell him here all I know.

Mr. Hudson

If the hon. Member will come and see me I shall be very glad.

50. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Agriculture what steps he is taking to ensure an adequate increase in the number of girls who are required by the Women's Land Army for permanent work, as distinct from those who are engaged for seasonal work only?

Mr. Hudson

Recruiting campaigns for volunteers for regular work as well as for volunteers for seasonal work are being conducted in all parts of the country by Women's Land Army County Committees with encouraging results. The most urgent need now is that farmers, and dairy farmers in particular, should come forward with offers to train and subsequently to employ these volunteers. All farmers should give as long notice in advance of their employment requirements as is possible, so that full advantage may be taken of the results of these recruiting campaigns.