HC Deb 13 June 1940 vol 361 c1379
52. Mr. T. Smith

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is now in a position to make a statement with regard to the increase in the price of agricultural products?

Mr. R. S. Hudson

No, Sir, but as was stated in reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Tonbridge (Sir A. Baillie) on the 11th June I hope to be able to make a statement at an early date.

Mr. Smith

Will the Minister expedite this statement in view of the fact that some wages boards are refusing to agree to adequate rates for overtime until they know the Minister's decision?

Mr. Hudson

I think the new wage rates will come into operation on 1st July.

Sir J. Lamb

Is the Minister aware that the fact that these prices are not known by farmers is a deterrent to their seeing what labour is required because they are not sure they will be able to pay for it when they get it?

Mr. Hudson

I am sure my hon. Friend realises that the question of giving out a long schedule of prices is a complicated matter. We are pushing on as fast as we can.

Sir J. Lamb

I agree, but seasonal work not done at the time when men should be on the land cannot be done afterwards?

Mr. Hudson

But seasonal work is paid for at existing rates.