HC Deb 06 June 1940 vol 361 cc969-70


1. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour whether, in view of the gravity of the war situation, he will make some pronouncement regarding the attitude to be adopted by boards of businesses to their employés in respect of granting summer holidays this year?

5. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour whether he is aware that some employers not engaged in war-work are cancelling the holidays of their staff, and are thus imposing unnecessary hardship on those still relying for their livelihood on holiday business, and causing friction through the loss of deposits and the demand for confirmation by landladies and others; and, whilst securing the expansion of full-time war-work, whether he will take steps to discourage the abolition of holidays for elderly and other workers not engaged in war-work, and whose holidays would not adversely affect the national effort?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour (Mr. Assheton)

My right hon. Friend does not wish to take any action which might reduce the momentum of war production and is in close consultation with the Supply Departments on the subject of the future arrangements of holidays and rest periods generally. He hopes to be able to issue a further statement at an early date but is not in a position to do so to-day.

Mr. G. Strauss

Is it intended by the Government that the employés of firms not engaged on war work should forgo their holidays?

Mr. Assheton

I am afraid that I am not in a position to give any further answer to-day.

Mr. Denman

Will the Government bear in mind the importance of allowing those who can enjoy holidays without injury to the national effort to take advantage of their singular position?

Mr. Assheton

That matter is clearly in the mind of the Government.

Mr. De la Bère

May we take it that there will be some guidance on this matter at an early date?

Mr. Sorensen

Has consideration been given to the perhaps unnecessary difficulties which are being imposed on some of those engaged in the holiday business?

Mr. Assheton

We are fully aware of all the difficulties.