HC Deb 31 July 1940 vol 363 cc1220-1
21. Mr. Kenneth Lindsay

asked the Minister of Information what are the precise responsibilities of Sir Maurice Peterson as successor to Lord Perth and Controller of Overseas Publicity; what is the division of territory between his Department and the British Council; and who now is responsible for broadcasts, both foreign and Empire?

Mr. Cooper

Sir Maurice Peterson's functions as Controller of Overseas Publicity are to superintend the work of the Foreign Publicity, Empire Publicity and American Divisions of the Ministry. As regards the second part of the Question, there is no division of territory between this Ministry and the British Council as the activities of the latter are confined to the cultural sphere. As regards the last part, the B.B.C., acting under the general guidance of this Ministry, are responsible for both foreign and Empire broadcasts.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Is the right hon. Gentleman considering new and more adequate arrangements for the foreign broadcasts now conducted through Broadcasting House?

Mr. Cooper

I am keeping constantly in touch with that question, and I am hoping to improve upon the broadcasts.

Mr. Lindsay

Is the Minister satisfied that there is a real concentration of effort between these three different aspects of the same problem?

Mr. Cooper

We are endeavouring to increase the concentration.