HC Deb 30 July 1940 vol 363 cc1161-2
62. Mr. J. Henderson

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether further consideration will be given to the desirability of providing cheaper railway travelling facilities to members of the Armed Forces on all occasions on which they travel home on leave?

The Financial Secretary to the Treasury (Captain Crookshank)

No, Sir. Members of His Majesty's Forces are granted two free railway warrants per annum, and on other occasions may obtain a single ticket at half ordinary single fare or a return ticket at ordinary single fare.

Mr. Henderson

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that these railway charges are a very serious burden, particularly on soldiers who have only 7s. a week, and that this is typified by a case given to me yesterday of a man in Carlisle who had to pay £2 4s. 7d. for seven days' leave, the price of the fare from Aldershot to Carlisle, and will not the right hon. and gallant Gentleman do something in the matter as far as the lower-paid soldiers are concerned?

Captain Crookshank

I have already explained to the hon. Gentleman that two free railway warrants per annum are granted, and cheaper rates at other times.

Mr. Lyons

Does my right hon. and gallant Friend realise that the ticket that is sold to soldiers at one half of the ordinary fare is one half of the old fare and not one half of the present return fare, and, therefore, soldiers getting that concession do not get the concession which many people think they ought to get and which my right hon. and gallant Friend suggests, and will he make some representations to the railway companies accordingly?