HC Deb 25 July 1940 vol 363 c958

The following Question stood on the Order Paper in the name of Mr. RADFORD:

19. To ask the Home Secretary whether he will prohibit private motor cars from being on the roads after 11.30 p.m., and so relieve the police and Local Defence Volunteers of some of their work of stopping and questioning motorists, and also render the use of the roads during the night impossible to disloyal persons?

Mr. Radford

This Question should read "pleasure motoring" instead of "private motor cars."

Sir J. Anderson

The answer to the Question on the Paper is: No, Sir. In present circumstances very large numbers of people would have to be exempted from such a prohibition owing to the nature of their occupation, and for this reason I doubt whether the prohibition would in fact achieve the result desired by my hon. Friend.

Mr. Radford

Does not my right hon. Friend recognise that it is quite possible, so long as there was this prohibition of anything but necessary duties, for the reduced number of motorists to be examined in detail by the police and the Home Guard, and their statements examined and substantiated?

Sir J. Anderson

I should be very sorry, in the present circumstances, to impose this invidious obligation.