HC Deb 23 July 1940 vol 363 c604
49. Mr. Lewis

asked the Prime Minister whether he will undertake that, in the event of hostile air raids on London, prompt reprisals will be made not only on Berlin but also on Rome?

The Prime Minister

There is not much to be gained by putting Questions of this kind on the Paper. If the answer were in the negative, it would remove a deterrent upon the enemy. If it were in the affirmative, it might spur him to increase his preparations and add to the difficulties of our airmen. If it were noncommittal, it would not add to the enlightenment of my hon. Friend. Although the enemy frequently volunteers statements of his intentions through various channels, these are nearly always found to be untruthful and given for the purpose of misleading. I should be very sorry if my hon. Friend, by making inquiries about future military operations, were to tempt me into courses of that character.