HC Deb 11 July 1940 vol 362 c1345
65. Mr. Cocks

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will take steps to supply railway guards with weapons of defence?

Mr. Montague

No, Sir. If a railwayman in the course of his civilian duty observes enemy forces, his proper course is to report the fact as quickly as possible at the nearest signal box or station.

Mr. Cocks

Is my hon. Friend aware that many of these trains pass through vulnerable areas and that the guards complain that the only thing with which they have to guard themselves is a lead pencil? If they are held up, how can they report to the nearest signal box?

Mr. Montague

My hon. Friend can be assured that all these considerations have been taken into account.

Sir A. Southby

Has the hon. Gentleman considered mounting a machine gun in some of the express trains as a protection against low-flying aircraft?