HC Deb 11 July 1940 vol 362 cc1335-6
38. Mrs. Tate

asked the Home Secretary the names of Members of the House of Commons to whom exit permits have been granted within the last three months; and for what Government missions such permits were granted?

Sir J. Anderson

It is not possible to ascertain from the records of the Permit Office without undue labour what cases may have been dealt with in the last three months; but if, as I understand, my hon. Friend has in mind the cases of the hon. Members for St. Marylebone (Captain Cunningham-Reid), Blackpool (Mr. Roland Robinson) and Chatham (Captain Plugge), I may say that the hon. Member for St. Marylebone was granted an exit permit at the request of the Children's Overseas Reception Board, and the other two hon. Members were granted permits for business purposes.

Mrs. Tate

Does my right hon. Friend consider that it is a suitable selection on the part of the Children's Overseas Reception Board to choose as their representative a Member of this House whose Division record is under 5 per cent., whose association has passed a vote of censure upon him, and who also happens to be on the Reserve of Officers, and with regard to the other two Members, was their business of a national character?

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