HC Deb 10 July 1940 vol 362 cc1164-5
22. Mr. T. Smith (for Mr. Sexton)

asked the Minister of Agriculture the names of the counties of England and Wales where the hours of employment have been increased since the introduction of the new minimum wage for agricultural workers, and the number of hours of weekly increase in respect of each of such counties?

The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture (Mr. T. Williams)

In giving effect to the national minimum wage for adult male agricultural workers, the numbers of hours in respect of which the new weekly minimum rates are fixed have been increased in 10 counties: namely, Durham, Gloucestershire, Hertfordshire, the Southern area of Lancashire, Rutland, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorganshire, Merioneth and Montgomery. Except in Durham, where the increase is from 50 to 60 hours for the "ordinary" adult male worker, the increases are either one or two hours per week. I am circulating details of the changes in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Smith

May I ask my hon. Friend whether his Department have taken up this matter with the Durham committee, and is it not about time that there was linked up with the uniform minimum wage of 48s. a week a system of uniform weekly hours?

Mr. Williams

In reply to the first part of my hon. Friend's question, my right hon. Friend has already exercised his power under Section 6 of the Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Act, 1924, and I understand that a meeting of the Durham County Wages Committee is to be convened very shortly. As my hon. Friend is aware, the Central Board have at the moment only the power to fix a national minimum wage, while the County Wages Committees have the power to fix hours for all counties.

Mr. Smith

Are the Department considering, in view of the national interest, some maximum weekly hours for agricultural workers, as are in operation in most other industries?

Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Acts, 1924 and 1940.
Counties in England and Wales where increases have been made in the weekly numbers of hours in respect of which the new minimum rates of wages operative from 30th June are fixed.
County. Particulars of increases.
Durham "Ordinary" adult Male Workers: from 50 to 60.
Gloucestershire "Ordinary" Male Workers: from 50 to 52 (in summer only).
Hertford "Ordinary" Male and Female Workers: from 48 to 50 (in summer only).
Lancashire (southern area) "Ordinary" Male Workers: from 50 to 51.
Rutland Male, Workers: from 48 to 50 in winter.
Denbigh and Flint "Ordinary" Male Workers and Forestry Workers: from 50 to 52 in summer and from 48 to 50 in winter.
Glamorgan "Ordinary" Male Workers and Forestry Workers: from 52 to 54 (in summer only).
Merioneth and Montgomery "Ordinary" Male Workers: from 50 to 52 in summer and from 48 to 50 in winter.
NOTE: The term "Ordinary" worker denotes workers other than those for whom special minimum rates have been fixed, e.g., workers employed in tending animals.

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