HC Deb 09 July 1940 vol 362 cc1070-1
34. Mr. R. J. Taylor

asked the Secretary for Mines whether his attention has been drawn to the action of the Bedlington Coal Company, Northumberland, in deducting from datal men Is. 4d., in other cases Is. 4d., from minimum wages Is. 4d., and in the case of coal producers Id. from the 6d. special advance, on account of being delayed in commencing work owing to an air-raid alarm, as such actions are likely to lead to industrial unrest; and will he take steps to prevent a recurrence of the injustice?

Mr. Grenfell

I have made inquiries and have been informed by the colliery company that they made deductions from the daily rate of pay to datallers for the alleged reason that the men were not present for work at the commencement of the shift and for the period which corresponds to the deductions made from the wages of the men in question.

Mr. Taylor

Is my hon. Friend aware that the local association has made every endeavour to get a settlement of this question arising out of the peculiar difficulties of the case?

Mr. Grenfell

I think it is a most appropriate question for the district association to settle, and I would suggest that this matter should be referred back once again to both sides. It must be settled by agreement at some time or other, and now that the matter has been raised I think the district committees should take it up.

Mr. Taylor

Would the Minister exert and use his influence to have this matter amicably settled between the two associations?

Mr. Grenfell

I think the two associations have full and sufficient power to settle this dispute.

Mr. Taylor

Is my hon. Friend aware that the district association have repeatedly and exhaustively endeavoured to settle the question?

Mr. Grenfell

I should be disappointed if a question like this could not be settled amicably during a time of war.