HC Deb 04 July 1940 vol 362 c996
20. Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the present income limit for non-manual workers of £250 per annum is the same for both Unemployment and Health Insurance purposes; and whether, in view of the proposal to increase that limit to £420 under the Unemployment Insurance Bill now before Parliament, he will introduce legislation to amend the Health Insurance Scheme likewise?

Mr. M. MacDonald

Under the present law, non-manual workers whose rate of remuneration exceeds £250 a year are not required to be insured either under the National Health Insurance scheme, or under the scheme of Unemployment Insurance. Under the former scheme, however, opportunities are provided for voluntary insurance which cannot be given under the latter scheme. The raising of the limit to £420 a year for Unemployment Insurance would not, therefore, necessarily involve a similar change for National Health Insurance, but the matter is receiving my consideration.

Mr. Davies

When will the Minister be able to make a statement which will clear up this anomaly?

Mr. MacDonald

The anomaly is not so complete as it might at first appear. Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will keep in touch with me, in case I can add anything to this answer.

Mr. Collindridge

Is the Minister aware that under the voluntary scheme a person loses his medical benefit?

Mr. MacDonald

As I have said, I have all those matters under consideration.