HC Deb 03 July 1940 vol 362 cc831-2
37. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Home Secretary whether refugees from Nazi oppression who are over 60 years of age and not interned may either be interned along with their wives who have been, or are to be, interned because they are under 60 years of age, or whether he will permit those wives to remain with their husbands?

Mr. Peake

As my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War stated yesterday, the consideration of the question of providing mixed internment camps for married couples must await more settled conditions. If a wife is liable to interment but her husband is exempted because he is over 70 years of age, my right hon. Friend could not regard the age of the husband as in itself a reason for exempting the wife, but if there were special circumstances justifying exceptional treatment in an individual case, my right hon. Friend would be prepared to consider such a case.

Mr. Sorensen

While thanking the hon. Gentleman for his reply, may I ask whether he is aware that there are several cases of undue and unnecessary hardship when elderly couples are separated in this way, and will he give that matter special consideration?

Mr. Peake

I am fully aware of the hardships caused by the present policy, but the hon. Member must bear in mind that we are operating under very exceptional conditions of stress.

Mr. G. Strauss

Have arrangements yet been made for allowing married couples to be interned?

Mr. Peake

That was the Question on the Paper, and I have answered it.

Sir Irving Albery

Can the hon. Gentleman say exactly to what extent the Home Office is responsible and to what extent the War Office is responsible?

Mr. Peake

The Home Office is responsible for the custody of women internees, and the War Office for the custody of the males.

Sir Richard Acland

Apparently, then, there is no hope of getting this problem solved until the whole matter is under one Department?

Mr. Sorensen

Can we not have some co-ordination?

Mr. Peake

I can assure the hon. Member that there is some co-ordination, and inquiry is being made into this problem at the present time.