HC Deb 02 July 1940 vol 362 c649
12. Miss Ward

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the appointment of a woman doctor of senior rank has yet been made to each command?

Mr. Eden

An appointment is about to be made in the Eastern Command. Similar appointments in other commands are not considered to be necessary at present.

Miss Ward

Is my right hon. Friend aware that his predecessor said some months ago that at no distant date an appointment would be made in every command, and as that was quite understood, will he reconsider the position?

Mr. Eden

I am afraid I have not had time to find what my predecessor said about it. We have made this appointment to this area, where, I gather, it is most needed.

Dr. Summerskill

What is the reason for granting commissions in the Army to women doctors but excluding them from the higher ranks, although they possess the highest qualifications obtainable?

Mr. Eden

That is a rather wider question than the one on the Paper.

Captain Bellenger

What rank will this lady have?

Mr. Eden

I am afraid I cannot say without notice.