HC Deb 02 July 1940 vol 362 cc673-4
70. Sir T. Moore

asked the Minister of Transport what arrangements exist to ensure that troops, when travelling by ordinary passenger trains, are provided with adequate seating accommodation?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Mr. Montague)

When the railway companies have prior knowledge that bodies of troops are to travel by ordinary train they make arrangements to ensure that adequate seating accommodation is available for them. It is not always possible to provide seating accommodation when numbers of troops appear without notice.

Sir T. Moore

Irrespective of where the responsibility lies, is not my hon. Friend aware that it is the common and very disturbing experience of all night travellers from Scotland to see our troops standing all night without any possibility of being able to sit down during the journey?

Mr. Montague

I think the hon. and gallant Member is aware that attention is being specifically given to that very point, and we quite appreciate the importance of it?

Mr. Sorensen

Will my hon. Friend draw the attention of the railway companies to the answer given by the Secretary of State for War this afternoon particularly on this point?

Mr. Montague

There is another Question of a similar character down on the Paper for to-morrow, and unquestionably the Railway Executive will be informed of what has been said in this House upon the matter.

Mr. Glenvil Hall

Would it be possible for the Government to release Lord Stamp from his present duties so that he can return to his own job?