HC Deb 23 January 1940 vol 356 cc397-9
98 and 99. Sir T. Moore

asked the Minister of Shipping (1) whether full use is being made of all available shipyards in Scotland;

(2) whether he proposes to revive shipbuilding in all the yards which were closed some time ago in consequence of the rationalisation of the industry?

Sir A. Salter

As indicated in reply to previous Questions regarding closed shipyards, the question how far the re-opening of these shipyards will increase the national output of tonnage is under constant review, and if my right hon. Friend is satisfied that such re-opening will achieve this object, arrangements will certainly be made to this end. My right hon. Friend's policy will be to utilise all those yards which, having regard to the best use of the material and labour available, can be made to add to the total output of merchant tonnage.

Sir T. Moore

Will my hon. Friend say that, if private enterprise is not available, the Government will be prepared to re-open these alleged redundant yards which were closed down by rationalisation?

Sir A. Salter

My hon. and gallant Friend may be assured that, whenever the use of these yards will enable us to add to which is being produced in the present yards, those yards will be utilised.

Mr. Kirkwood

Arising from the original Reply, in which it was stated that the Minister has these shipyards under review, when will the Ministry be in a position to give a report on how soon they will be starting up some of those yards which they declare to be derelict—which is absolutely untrue, for they are not derelict?

Sir A. Salter

Our first effort is to get the utmost production out of the yards already in operation and to use them to their maximum capacity. The question of the actual opening up of yards not now fit for immediate production is bound up with the question of the labour and materials available for use in the existing yards. So far as they can be used to increase the total output, the yards not now used will be drawn upon.

Mr. Kirkwood

Is the hon. Gentleman not aware of the fact that there are shipyards not only on the Clyde but all over Britain which at the moment could be utilised for producing ships even while you are seeing that these other yards are fully employed and fully equipped?

Sir A. Salter

I am not aware that such yards can immediately be used without drawing on labour and materials which can perhaps be more effectively used in yards now open. That is the difficulty.

Sir Archibald Sinclair

When the hon. Gentleman refers to labour and materials now available, is he not taking steps to increase the resources of labour and materials?

Sir A. Salter

Yes, Sir, active steps are being taken to that end.

Sir T. Moore

Will dilution of labour be allowed by the trade unions?