§ 35. Commander Sir Archibald Southbyasked the Home Secretary whether, in 214 view of the exceptional conditions now prevailing, which make it difficult for the members of the public to get their shopping done, he will consider the abolition of the afternoon break period of three hours when sales by wine merchants over the counter of wines, beers and spirits for home consumption are prohibited?
§ Sir J. AndersonThis proposal would involve legislation amending the Licensing Act so as to allow sales of intoxicating liquor for consumption off the premises to take place outside the permitted hours, which under the existing law apply to "off" sales as well as to sales for consumption on the premises. I can hold out no prospect of legislation on this subject at the present time.
§ Sir A. SouthbyIs there any reason why wine merchants should be more unfairly treated than any other merchants in the community?
Viscountess AstorIs the reason not that theirs is the only commodity of which the Government have to restrict the sale because it is dangerous?