28. Mr. Creech Jonesasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to the amount of unsound food, particularly of the tinned variety, imported into Trinidad; and whether he will take the necessary steps to secure legislation that will give the necessary powers to the authorities in Trinidad to deal with this danger to public health?
Mr. M. MacDonaldI am informed by the Governor that instances of unsound food arriving at Trinidad have been infrequent. Consignments are examined by the Customs authorities and held for inspection by the medical officer of health if there is any doubt as to their condition. The public health authorities are already empowered and do take action to prevent the sale of food unfit for human consumption, but in view of a recent case in which 2051 a consignment of tinned milk deteriorated after arrival, the Governor has under consideration the making of additional regulations under the Public Health Ordinance to provide for the examination and seizure of imported food which may constitute a danger to health.