§ 10. Mr. Sorensenasked the Secretary of State for Air whether he has any information respecting the present number of airmen recommended for commissions; and how many of these received elementary, secondary and public school education, respectively?
§ The Under-Secretary of State for Air (Captain Harold Balfour)Approximately 1,250 airmen to date have been recommended for commissions. I regret that I am unable to furnish the information asked for in the second part of the Question, which is not available and cannot be obtained without an undue expenditure of time and labour.
§ Mr. SorensenIs the Under-Secretary not aware that one of his colleagues is in fact trying to find information regarding the origin of these commissions? Can he not in the course of time endeavour to get this information?
§ Captain BalfourI have no knowledge of any of my colleagues trying to obtain this information. I should be glad to receive information.
§ Lieut.-Colonel Acland-TroyteIs not the main object to ensure that the best men are chosen for commissions and not that they should come from any particular class of school?