§ 27. Mr. Shinwellasked the Minister of Transport what progress he has made with the railway companies on the transport of coal; and what is the present position?
§ The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Mr. Bernays)Over the week-end 52,405 wagons of coal, or over half a million tons, were removed by the London Midland and Scottish and the London and North Eastern Railways from colliery sidings and practically the whole of the accumulations due to the bad weather have now been dealt with. The programme of special trains to which my right hon. and gallant Friend referred on Wednesday last commenced to-day from the Midland collieries. The 1729 special trains from Northumberland and Durham necessitate the working of empty trains to the coalfields and the trains are expected to begin to work south from the collieries on Thursday next.
§ Mr. ShinwellWhile appreciating the steps that have been taken and the relief given to industrial consumers of coal may I ask the hon. Gentleman to make representations to his right hon. and gallant Friend to secure that empty wagons are returned as promptly as possible, so that miners may have an opportunity of gaining regular employment?
§ Mr. BernaysYes, Sir. That is why we made the demurrage regulations.
§ Mr. BurkeWill the hon. Gentleman also call his right hon. and gallant Friend's attention to the fact that there are still mills in Lancashire which are closed down because they cannot get coal?
§ Mr. BernaysI shall be glad if the hon. Gentleman will give me particulars of any such cases and I will have inquiries made.
§ Mr. WatkinsMay I ask the hon. Gentleman whether his reply means that people in London who have been without coal for three or four weeks can now get it?
§ Mr. BernaysI think the position has materially eased in the last few days. I have not got the full details of the arrival of wagons but I have a figure here which may interest the House. This week-end 8,925 wagons were received by the Southern Railway Company, as compared with 4,011 in the corresponding week-end last year and I am sure the hon. Gentleman will see the significance of that figure.