HC Deb 22 February 1940 vol 357 cc1511-2
23. Mr. Culverwell

asked the Home Secretary what steps he proposes taking to secure recruits for and retain the existing personnel of the Auxiliary Fire Service?

Sir J. Anderson

The recruitment of personnel for the Auxiliary Fire Service is in the hands of the local fire authorities, who are responsible for taking any necessary measures to secure suitable recruits. As regards the retention of existing personnel, I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of a circular which I have recently addressed to local authorities, dealing with the reservation of whole-time personnel over the age of 30 and kindred matters.

Mr. Culverwell

While appreciating the step which the right hon. Gentleman has taken, is he aware that large numbers of trained members of this service are leaving it for other employment, and could he not take some step to make recruiting a contractual obligation rather on the lines of the Territorial Army, in order to retain the personnel?

Sir J. Anderson

That is a very large question.

Mr. Ede

Is there any shortage in this service?

Sir J. Anderson

The position varies from district to district. In some areas, particularly where ordinary employment is good, there is a shortage of recruits for the service.

Mr. Tomlinson

Will the right hon. Gentleman look at the incidence of the scheme of personal injuries as it applies to firemen and other voluntary workers, and see whether or not that scheme is preventing recruitment and losing recruits?

Sir J. Anderson

I have no reason to believe that that has acted as a deterrent.