HC Deb 20 February 1940 vol 357 cc1121-2
3. Mr. Boyce

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he has any statement to make in respect of his recent visit to the Middle East to welcome the first contingent of the second Australian Imperial Force and the New Zealand Expeditionary Force?

Mr. Eden

It has been my privilege to fly to Egypt to meet the first contingents of the Second Australian Imperial Force and of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force upon their arrival in the Middle East and to carry to them a message from His Majesty the King. I sought to express to the Australian and New Zealand troops the welcome which I felt sure that this House and every section of opinion in this country would wish me to extend to them. The arrival of Australian and New Zealand troops in the Middle East gives yet another proof of the solidarity of the British Commonwealth with us in the common cause. I need hardly add that the exceptionally high physical standard of the troops and their military bearing are beyond all praise. The House would, I feel sure, wish me to take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude to the Government and people of Egypt for their action as our friends and allies in offering so hospitable a reception to these Dominion contingents.

During my stay I was also privileged to see something of the Indian troops who have now been stationed in the Middle East for some time, and to bear to them also a message from the King-Emperor.