HC Deb 15 February 1940 vol 357 cc945-6
42. Mr. Mander

asked the Minister of Health whether he will state the present position with regard to the camps built by the National Camps Corporation, Limited?

Mr. Elliot

Twenty-two camps have; now been provisionally allocated to local education authorities. Two schools are going into camps next Monday, and one school on the Monday following. The remaining 19 of the 22 camps allocated will be occupied as soon as the education authorities have made the necessary arrangements, and certain adaptations have been completed.

Mr. Mander

Will the Minister state the average number of children who are going to each of these camps?

Mr. Elliot

Not without notice.

Mr. Mander

Can the Minister say whether the figure will be above 150?

Mr. Elliot

I should not like to say until nearer the time for the actual entry of these schools into the camps.

Mr. McEntee

Can the Minister say under what authority these camps are to be?

Mr. Elliot

I can if the hon. Member will put the Question on the Paper.

Dr. Edith Summerskill

What is the policy to be adopted with regard to the evacuation to these camps. Which areas get priority?

Mr. Elliot

I could not go into that question at this time. We made an offer, in the first place, to the authorities to whose area the camps were near. We have had to do the best we could so as to get each camp occupied by happy and contented school children.