HC Deb 08 February 1940 vol 357 c395
66. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Minister of Health whether he is now able to announce the decisions arrived at by the conference between the Board and teachers' organisation respecting billeting allowances and the extra domestic financial burdens borne by teachers through their evacuation?

Mr. Elliot

Officers of my Department and of the Board of Education, in conjunction with the teachers' representatives, have the question of teachers' billeting allowances under consideration. Certain inquiries are being made, with the co-operation of the teachers, but I am not yet able to announce a decision. There will, however, be no avoidable delay.

Mr. Sorensen

If any beneficial decision is reached will it be retrospective, in view of the hardship existing in certain cases among teachers who have to maintain their billets and their own homes?

Mr. Elliot

I will not give an undertaking, but I will keep that question in mind.