§ 21. Mr. Edmund Harveyasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether any steps are to be taken to reintroduce the obligation of 1241 school attendance in evacuation areas, neutral areas and reception areas, respectively?
§ Mr. Buchan-Hepburn (Lord of the Treasury)I have been asked to reply. The law of school attendance is already operative in neutral and reception areas. As regards evacuation areas, my Noble Friend intends to make a statement very shortly.
§ 27. Mr. Edeasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education how many children, normally resident and evacuated, are on school rolls in the reception areas, and how many are receiving full-time instruction?
§ Mr. Buchan-HepburnHitherto the position in the reception areas has been too fluid to make it possible to compile accurate statistics which would enable the Board to supply the information required. My Noble Friend, however, hopes to receive the information from all authorities of reception areas in the near future. Reports recently received from His Majesty's Inspectors in those areas indicate that the great majority of the children are receiving full-time instruction in all but a few cases.
§ 28. Mr. Sorensenasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether, in view of recent figures published respecting the large number of children who have returned to, or remained in, evacuated areas and in view of the number of teachers who remain in reception areas in excess of the number required, he is expediting provisional plans for full-time education in evacuation areas; how many requests he has had from public authorities and parents' associations for the provision of adequate elementary and secondary education in evacuation areas; and whet her he has paid special attention to the financial burdens of teachers due to the increased cost of living and the necessity of maintaining their homes whilst evacuated?
§ Mr. Buchan-HepburnThe answer to the first part of the Question is in the affirmative, and to the second part, eight. As regards the last part of the Question, discussions with the representatives of the teachers regarding billeting allowances for evacuated teachers are still proceeding.
§ Mr. SorensenCan the hon. Gentleman say when any report on the last point raised in my Question is likely to be made?
§ Mr. Buchan-HepburnI think that is a point which will be covered by my Noble Friend in the speech which he hopes to make next week.